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The BEST Podcasts for moms

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Great resource - a list of the best podcasts for stay at home moms. I need this!

Sometimes I secretly enjoy cleaning. A little. Because when I'm cleaning, the kids are often cleaning, too. Or they are working on projects for school, or playing outside. Mostly they are singing Frozen songs and trying new hairstyles on the dog, but please pretend they do the other things more often. I do. 

Back to my point – when I am cleaning, and the kids are occupied, I feel like it's time for mommy to learn. So I LOVE listening to podcasts while I clean or cook. I find encouragement, get great organizing ideas, and learn a lot from these, so I wanted to share them with you! I encourage you to find some favorite podcasters and subscribe for those times that you need to refuel. 

The best podcasts for moms: 

Donna Otto's Homemakers by Choice  – this is my favorite! Donna has great insights, encouragement, and tips. Best of all, she reminds me that homemaking IS a choice! I'm reminded that I am blessed! You can access these from her website by clicking “Podcasting” in the menu on the left side of her website.

Inspired to Action – I am LOVING the topics on these podcasts! Everything from nurturing friendships to parenting to having a natural medicine cabinet – I haven't found anything not-awesome here. Definitely worth a listen!

Smead's Orgonomics – Smead (the paper/organization product company) has some great organizing tips and ideas for home and office here. A friend recently turned me on to these and I've been listening in the car. Yes, the kids have asked to listen to something else. No, I have not given in (insert applause here) – if I can handle “My Lighthouse” eleven billion times in a row, they can handle a few podcasts on organizing. 

Savvy Homeschool Moms – I've just discovered these, and liked what I heard, but I haven't listened to all of them. There seems to be some really good homeschooling info here. 

The Art of Simple – These are fun and chatty, and a great thing to listen to while folding laundry (according to her website). I haven't listened to every single one of these because, to be honest, not every single topic she has listed appealed to me. But many have been right up my alley, and it makes for some good listening!

Christian Homeschool Moms – These cover topics like avoiding homeschool burnout, the real story on homeschooling, and a lot more. 

Smalley Marriage Radio – SUPER encouraging marriage podcasts. 

Focus on the Family – Focus on Parenting – These are great! If you've read any of Dr. Dobson's books, many of these topics will sound familiar to you, but it's still a great resource for parenting advice. Focus on the Family also has marriage podcasts, and Adventures in Odyssey for the kids.

These are a few of my favorites – I'll add more as I discover them! Do you have any podcasts you enjoy? I'd love to hear about them in the comments!

Disclaimer: I have not listened to every single podcast on every single website listed above, so I can't vouch for them all. 🙂 



Linked up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers




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  1. I am new to your blog but I absolutely love it! Thank you for taking the time to do it.
    Jennifer B.

    1. Thanks Amanda! I just started listening to God Centered Mom last month, and I’m loving it! I’ll definitely put that one on my next list – I have too many new favorites!

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